Saturday, December 31, 2011

happy new year

here's to the end of one year and the beginnings of another!
happy new year my friends!
may this be the year of all sorts of wonders!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

greeting cards have all been sent

the Christmas rush is through.
i hope you all had a beautiful holiday.  i know i did.
it was filled with love, warmth, giggles, and special people.
i'm sad to see it end, but an anxious to see where the new year leads.
here's to 2012!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

twinkle lights & kitty cats

we are so close to Christmas and i am finally ready.
this time of year is so special and brings back so many memories. admittedly, i get stressed about what to give family and often lose sight of the true meaning.  it's a season to deliberately spend time loving the special folks in our lives.  we need more holidays like this, minus the gifts!

our presents are wrapped and under the tree and i'm spending time relaxing with a cup of hot cocoa beside a tree of twinkly lights and warm kitties.
feliz navidad y'all!